- About me
- Vitae
- Skills

I always strove for an artistic career, so I took an a-level in fashion design, but found my great love during it: Photoshop. I was a junkie and quickly discovered the entire Adobe family. I taught myself functionalities and the use of these programs and finally had a clear goal in mind: I'm becoming designer!
I packed my stuff (it all fitted in a Volkswagen) and moved to Hamburg, right into the cult district St. Pauli. I studied »Communications Design and New Media" at the Design Factory International, did my degree with honors and started working as a freelancer after that.
I packed my stuff (it all fitted in a Volkswagen) and moved to Hamburg, right into the cult district St. Pauli. I studied »Communications Design and New Media" at the Design Factory International, did my degree with honors and started working as a freelancer after that.
One day I stumbled into a private museum and became friends with the owner. I revamped the entire corporate design and when the museum had to move, I was offered the position of curator. Being a collector of the weird and bizarre I instantly took the job.
After the owner's death, I am responsible for the entire collection now. With the help of an association I now open the museum to the public, give guided tours, sell and buy cusiosities, but still remain a freelance designer taking commissions.
After the owner's death, I am responsible for the entire collection now. With the help of an association I now open the museum to the public, give guided tours, sell and buy cusiosities, but still remain a freelance designer taking commissions.


January 6th 1988
Born in Hannover Germany2004-2006
Technical secondary school for fashion design and composition 2006
A-level in fashion design and composition2007-2010
Studied at the »Design Factory International« in Hamburg, Germany2010
Diploma with honors in graphic design and new media2010-present
Freelance graphic designer2014-present
Curator and head of »Harrys Hamburger Hafenbasar und Museum«contact
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Just fill in the form and send it, I will answer as quickly as possible.
My name is Caro and I'm a freelance designer who wants to kill stereotypes.
My name is Caro and I'm a freelance designer who wants to destroy the mainstream.
My name is Caro and I'm a freelance designer who's married to photoshop.
John F. Kennedys speech »Ich bin in Berliner«, held on June 26, 1963 in West Berlin is iconic. In this book it is illustrated, to emphasize its valuable phrases and to show how truly remarkable it is.
A stylized Berlin Wall runs through the entire book and is crossed and broken apart to focus on JFK's words which end in the world-famous phrase »Ich bin in Berliner« (I am a Berliner).
jfk ist ein berliner
editorial design

When »Tron:Legacy«, the sequel to the 80ies cult classic »TRON« hit the theaters, it was an eye-catching revelation. Futuristic vehicles within a life-threatening game from programs
against humans in a one of a kind digital landscape and the overall style just screamed to be turned into an icon set for a communication device.
icon design

corporat design
Unique and powerful corporate identity for my own freelance design brand
editorial design
Staged typography project of the famous speech »Ich bin ein Berliner« by John F. Kennedy
In a world were looks value more than character, where the faces in magazines influence people more than a speech in tv, it was time to show how shallow this world is. Photoshop is a powerful tool that can change
peoples appearance drastically. Models in ads are altered inhumanly so why not turn this tool into a skin care line to make you one of those models?
Photoshop cosmetics
packaging design

»Eraser« make-up remover and »Clone Stamp« cover up stick

»Color swatches« eyeshadow palette and »60px« + »40px« eyeshadow brushes

»Burn« powder blush, »Dodge« highlight powder and »260px« brush

»Gaussian Blur« facial cream and »Spot Healing« anti wrinkle serum
When I was approached my swiss photographer extraordinaire to design a logo for him, I was thrilled. His photos are exceptionally amazing, brutal, honest and tell a mesmerizing story.
A clean and stylized fusion of his initials fits his sharp style and clean composition.
Client: Nicolas Henri
Client: Nicolas Henri
nicolas henri
logo design

Original color range

Color request by the client
How do you make a car commercial without showing the actual car? That was the task for this project.
You can hear Romeo and Juliet talking in love, you think they are in love with each other...
... but in the end they realize they are talking about the new Alfa Romeo 8C Spider.
Produced with Daniel Patterson
Produced with Daniel Patterson
alfa romeo and juliet
motion design

making of

making of
packaging design
Sociocritical digital project turning Adobe Photoshop into a skin care and make-up line
logo design
Clean and sharp logo design for swiss photographer extraordinaire Nicolas Henri
motion Design
Commercial for the Alfa Romeo 8c Spider, featuring the iconic story of Romeo and Juliet
The world is lacking human values. Where are discipline, love, respect and trust? This project tries to bring these values back into the lives of everybody, by turning them into products that can be used.
Every product forces the owner to bring these values back into their daily day lives, like the clock that makes you always be on time, or the mirror that makes you honest.
familie wert
product design

online store to buy the values

Ad campaign to look for the lost values

Ad campaign to look for the lost values

the entire product range
Participating in LARP events is a great way to flee from the boring daily day life. But to fight like a pro you need a great weapon, which looks like the real deal, but doesn't hurt anyone.
»Wunschklinge« is the blacksmith of your trust! Creating amazing swords and knifes, even human bones for the next fight.
Client: Wunschklinge
Client: Wunschklinge
corporate & web design

business cards

Voucher for fighters in need of a weapon
If there's something fascinating, then that's oddities. Weird and unusual things that grab the attention if you want it or not. Collecting these things is one thing, but wearing them for everyone to see is something completely different.
This is what the german jewelry brand »skind« stand for. Wearable oddities, featuring real human teeth and animal bones.
Client: skind
Client: skind
corporate design

custom made pattern

product design
Human values in form of a product range, to bring them back into the lives of everybody
Corporate & Web design
Handmade LARP-weapons for knights and zombies with the need of swords or axes for combat
Ballet is one of the hardest things to learn and master, but what if you could enhance your physical capabilities by adding technical parts to your body to get the best of it?
This is the topic of Florence Cambridge's amazing thriller book »Dancer in the Dark«, which got a cover tailored specifically for this breathtaking story.
dancer in the dark
digital art

Study project to explore the field of packaging design. Task was to design a unique brand of an item that we use on a daily basis. In my case: cigarettes.
Result was a one of a kind brand for unique rebellious individuals, featuring eyecatching graphics and exceptional approach to merchandise and advertising.
packaging design

ad to promote the »superhero« kind

ad to promote the light »candyass« kind

ad to promote the spearmint »desperado« kind

Normal cigarettes »superhero«, light »candyass« and spearmint »desperado«

Lighter, matches and ashtray with a matching design
digital art
What if you could push your physical abilities to the maximum by adding technique to your body?
packaging design
Cigarette brand for unique rebellious individuals, featuring eye-catching graphics